
The Awkward Moment Nicki Minaj & Ke$ha Jump On Your Track And Silence Your Ass

I never got this whole need for a gay person to have a female artist to look up to/admire/want to be like so I was never on this hypeness of "My fav is better than you fav" Saying this however after hearing Britney Spears' remix to her new tune 'Till The World Ends' I am 100% sure that all of Nicki's and Ke$ha's fans are celebrating h a r d whilst Britney's are just digging a hole to go lie in.

Not only does Nicki Minaj STEAL the whole song, 'Till The World Ends' sounds like Ke$ha wrote it in her sleep! It has Ke-DollarSign-ha oozing from ever lyric and she belts it out like tomorrow aint never gonna come again. Britney on the other hand, well if she wasn't even on the track I doubt she would be missed.

I gotta commend Britney though, 3 years ago she was at rock bottom shaving her head, taking crack and flashing her fanny to the world but now she’s back on form and slowly climbing the charts. Talking of shaving heads, I always thought it was funny how Britney got all that fuss for shaving hers when Beyonce was bald YEARS before that.

The Track:

1 comment:

  1. that remix is boss. britney needs to go sit down...
