
Your Such A Slut I Bet Your Favorite Starters Whoreder's

Your suppose to have a parallel twin living on another planet right? Well, I think mine jumped through some kind of black hole and started a blog called Slutever. Slutever - the name kinda gives it away right? It aint pretty flowers or a flow of cutesy pictures it’s an online documentation of sexual endeavours. Posts about all the losers, prostitutes and drug addicts who she shares her south London squat with, post about sexual failures, who she’s been masturbating to and posts about which obsession she’s been obsessing over this week. As i’ve had nothing to do this week but watch zombie porn and write an essay i’ve pretty much read all there is to read and thought I’d share the goods with yall…

“When I was nineteen I went home with a guy I met on a night bus (if that’s not the most romantic start to a story you’ve ever heard, then I don’t know what is). After being drunkenly led off the bus by my arm, the guy took me back to his apartment where we started fucking on his couch (and by “fucking” I mean I was lying there with my eyes half open as he had sex on top of me). After a few minutes he pulled out, letting out a horrifying scream. I looked down to find I was covered in blood. I immediately assumed I had gotten my period, but after a closer look I realized it was him that was bleeding, not me. His foreskin had ripped during sex, causing him to ejaculate a stream of blood both inside and on top of me. I spent the next half hour gagging naked over his aquatic themed toilet.”

He-leer-ree-ous. You have to applaud someone of such honesty. I mean sex is a very personal thing, whether your banging 1, 2 or 5 people, at that moment your giving you all to them and sharing this with the internet is a brave thing to do. People are inevitably gonna judge the fcuk out of you so either you set your “I don’t give a fcuk” barrier high or you shut up and censor up. It’s clear to see what option Mrs Ever chose. Anyway i'm hungry and I’m sure someone promised me dinner so check out slutever.org or readplatform.com/slutever and if you ever lay eyes on her, tell her I want little Jarvis Cockers phone number too…


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